Looking to Energize Your Men's Group?

Explore the curriculum that will take you to greater heights!


 Does this sound familiar?

  • Your current men's ministry consists of an occasional Saturday morning pancake breakfast and a summer golf outing.
  • You can't remember the last time a new member joined your group.
  • You'd like older men to invest in younger guys, but it rarely happens.
  • You can't seem to motivate your men to take action.

You're not alone!

I felt the same way about the men's group at my church for years.

Imagine your group in 3 months…

  • having renewed enthusiasm
  • welcoming new members
  • engaging in relevant discussions
  • developing mentoring relationships

How to Live Like a Man

Video Poster Image

Real life. Real talk. Real Solutions!

This 25-lesson VIDEO course will prompt practical discussions on topics that apply to every man in the areas of Faith, Finances, Fitness, Family, and Friendships. You’ll discuss:

  • Why the Bible is true and how to use it, so it actually makes sense
  • The secrets of dating, marriage, and parenting, so you no longer have to fake it til you make it
  • How to start and develop deep, real friendships, so you don't have to do life alone

With fatherless households making up 30-40% of our nation, this is the perfect tool for experienced men to share and invest in the younger guys!


What's Included . . .



Learn about the things that are never really discussed in church, like:

  • How to know the Bible is true
  • How to actually use your Bible in a practical way
  • How to connect with God
  • How to share your story
  • What heaven is really like

You’ll finish this unit with a clearer understanding of what you believe and why.



Learn from other men regarding practical topics, such as:

  • How to buy a car
  • How to buy a house
  • Best money saving tips
  • How to make wise financial decisions

This is real life stuff, not textbook theories. If you don't gain control over your money, your money will eventually have control over you.



Forget the latest diets, and fads. Have real discussions about the basics of:

  • How to eat right
  • How to develop a sustainable, realistic workout routine
  • How to have and maintain peace of mind
  •  How to get control over your emotions
  • How to acquire stability and balance in your life

Living intentionally is vital for a long, healthy life.



Marriage and children don't require a course, a degree, or a license, which could be why most men struggle in these areas. In this unit, you’ll learn:

  • How to date like a "knight in shining armor"
  • How to navigate your marriage so that it gets better with age
  • How to invest in your children with a big-picture plan
  • How to raise your kids to eventually become your best friends
  • How to engage grandkids so you can build a legacy that lives on

You’ll finish this course with a better grasp on how to navigate through all phases of family life.



Friendships are harder for men as they get older and they are rarely discussed in a candid format. In this unit, you’ll learn:

  • How to make a new friend so you don't have to do life alone
  • How to learn from and mentor others so your life can have impact
  • How to find and develop a best friend
  • How to pursue adventure and avoid complacency
  • How to make wise choices

You’ll finish this course with a game plan for developing and maintaining friendships that will last a lifetime.

Hi, I'm Robbie Sondag

I served as one of the pastors at Fellowship Missionary Church in Fort Wayne, Indiana for 24 years. During that time I enjoyed leading our weekly men's ministry, but I found it challenging to continually come up with new material that was relevant and transformative. I felt we were missing the mark, particularly with young men who grew up fatherless, and then found themselves guessing their way through life.

Finally, three years ago I said, "No more" and I began writing a curriculum designed for experienced men to share the practicalities of life with the younger guys.

I tested it on my men's group and they devoured it! We experienced a rewnewed enthusiasm that we hadn't seen in years!

Apparently there's a hunger for older men to share wisdom, and a desire for younger men to gain insight. And now we finally have a vehicle that is biblically-based, practical, and relevant. Filled with stories, Scripture, and an easy-to-follow outline, don't be surprised if this program not only transforms your men's group, but your church, as well!

Don't just take my word for it . . .


Jason S

"I've been part of the men's ministry for years, but How to Live Like a Man was the most practical material we've ever used! Truly amazing!"

Matt O

"I picked up so many nuggets of wisdom from other men, it was invaluable. I wish I would have taken this course when I was 21."

What makes this course unique . . .

  • It's designed to last six months, not six weeks!
  • It covers the real challenges of living life as a man!
  • It provides a racetrack for older men to share with younger guys!
  • It comes with a digital download notebook.
  • It's filled with real stories that are relatable to most men.

Don't miss our

October Special

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  • Introduction Video
  • 5 video lessons on Faith
  • Digital Download Notebook
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Most Popular

  • Introduction Video
  • 5 video lessons on Faith
  • 5 video lessons on Finances
  • 5 video lessons on Fitness
  • 5 video lessons on Family
  • 5 video lessons on Friendship
  • Digital Download Notebook
  • ------------------
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  • Introduction Video
  • 5 video lessons on Faith
  • 5 video lessons on Finances
  • 5 video lessons on Fitness
  • 5 video lessons on Family
  • 5 video lessons on Friendship
  • Digital Download Notebook
  • 2 one-hour coaching calls for running a dynamic men's ministry

If you aren’t completely satisfied with How to Live Like a Man, let us know within the first 14 days for a full refund. No questions asked.